
In mood for writing ...and there is nothing

I am in the mood to write someting here, but I am not sure about what I like to talk at the moment exactly. There many things I like to write about and on the other side there is no idea how to write about some single thing I got in my mind.

Good sayed
"Let there be VOID!"
and he created

Some times it is really a bit horrible that the flow of information and knowlage compared with the presence of information and knowlage are two completly different things. The relation of this is a reversed proportional thing.

This all lead us tu the question how much real information is inside a general weblog? On one side we need to see what kind of information the reader like to get. Additional to this the reader also get some unconcuiseness informations he not looking for and that will be stored in his mind.
The other side is what kind of information do the writer deliver? Here also we can divide that in two different parts. The first part is the kind of informations the writer like to present. The second part are the information that are woven inside the first one from unconcuiseness thoughts.

KEYWORDS:, , , , , ,


Writing the strange ideas... What will be there?

As I told before, I liked to write shortly after my last posting about what kind of topics will be handled in the next time here. Some of that thematic are more or less categorized in top-categories.
The first one we have is design. In this are subcategories like artists, drawing, product-design, fashion-design and clothes. This goes more far with things like home decoration, architecture and furniture.
Second we have things related to since. It will mostly concentrate on computers especial about interesting software (mostly free or OpenSource). Errors and problems that can happen and some ideas on how to fix that. Just sometimes some commentaries on new hardware and such things.
And finely the third one. This one is around social things like social networking, friends and society related topics. I will write here philosophical thoughts as well as about personal habits, likes and dislikes.

A more detailed list of some Ideas for things I like to write about follow here:
  • About the mouswatering tastes of garlic and chili
  • What make me angry when people are drive around mindless on the streets
  • The interrelation on price, quality, request and sale (...on CD's & DVD's)
  • Kilts and menskirts
  • Alternative fashion styles i. e. Gothic-Designs, Asia-Fashion and more
  • About some anime movies
  • The hype of cosplay and a review of the first edition of the German Cosplay-magazine
  • The new trend in men's fashion of one piece swimsuits
  • Thoughts about my buddhist practices
  • Things I did lately, like went to the cinema or things that happen about I should tell you
  • Commentaries about books, movies and music I found to be interesting
  • many other more...
Hope you don't get to much mothewatered, so you don't get more higher expectations as the quality of my next writings.

KEYWORDS:, , , , , , , , , , , ,


Long time since Ano Blogum

It was now again a longer time since I write here some things. I just got a bunch of Ideas I could write about. But as things go, some of that things I forget. For some other I didn't found time to write them down or just haven't fun to do it.
Just I blogged to my other Blogs a little bit. One of these other is my "Gor'Li Creation Notes" in which I write about ideas and progress of worldbuilding specific thematics. At the moment I have mostly writen about problems with crativity. In the future it will contain more and more thinking about more specific things related to the planet of Gor'Li. But I am sorry that this blog is written only in german language, but you can get to a purly babelfish translated version here.
Another one is my "_RosE_'s Metaphysical Myhttalk Ideas for an Open Mind". In this one I write mosty more strange thoughts and ideas about many different things that I think not mutch in the others I talked before. Then we have also the Mythtalk at the Illuminati Dimensio Inter Tempore in which talk and teaching about some metaphysical topics will happen in the future. It is relatet to a small club of people who interseted in enlightment, phylosophie and a better future society. At the moment it is not much to find in there.
For today I think to stop writing now and tomorrow I will post some listing of ideas I like to write about in the next time.


Blue colored postings in the dark of the playful night

Revenant Seraph's LiveJornal

Today I just read a bit in the Blog of Seraph. I mostly find writings of her interesting. Also we share a bit of topics we have both the same interests in. They are things like Shamanism, Magick, Asian martial arts like Aikido or Kyodo, Anime and Manga, Asian studies in general.
Before we also hat some good talk about use and feel of metaphysical energies. May it be Chi in Feng-Shui or Reiki or just psi-energies in magic an shamanism. Some interesting point of this is how this different or not so different kinds of "Meta" energies interference with low and high frequencies the modern world create.


Synthesizers from reFX - The sound you can't hide from

reFX - VST Instruments - The Vanguard

These things ar cool! I love the sound that yu can do with the software synthesizer that reFX produce. And thay also have a price you can afford more easy as some other software that hasn't this kind of quality and usability.
Ok I am not a musican by myself, so it is very difficult to use these things or just mage a nice song. But also person like me who not produce songs the professional or semiprofessionel way find some way to this programms.
The new VANGARD is a kind of good old times analog synti in combination of the newest digital effekt modules. It is more or less the big brother of the well known JunoX2 and it thought of replace this one in the future.

Some other reFX...
Just beside the new Vangard there are some more realy cool VST-Instrument Plug-ins that you can use in VST compatible Software. To name them, its Slayer2 for E-Guitar sounds and tweaking play, quadraSID the rebirth of the old SID god who create the electronic sound movement and use of computers for music production. Than we have PlastiCZ a sound that come from future were all is made by plastic materials and Trasher2 who let you trash your classic drummloops to some speaker busting sounds.
Finaly we have the Beast and its smale brother the Claw - "You can't escape, but that doesn't matter because you don't want to..."


Nomad Of Norad has a blog too.... That make things more interesting.

Nomad Of Norad's blog

Nice to know that he got a blog. I hope he will post some of his reality tweaking ideas there :-) also he is a big Startrek fan as many of my other friends. It is sad he not have the comment feature enabeld at the moment but we will see.
Possible he will post some more often again in his blog as he know I would read it.


GURPS goes 4th Edition... yeappeeeaaaa

GURPS: Generic Universal RolePlaying System from Steve Jackson Games We are happy to get see that the new Edition of the GURPS system come out now. As the 3. Editon was still good it developed over the time some inconsistencies and knacks. For most games the old edition is stil good and mostly better as other "like to be" universal systems.
The main thing of change are a more modular system for rule uses. It give the Gamemaster a little bit better ability to set focus on "quick'n'dirty" or "high detail" characters and campaign planing. There are now skill-groups that can be used to represent a profession or university study that include some skills rather as before a lose collection of some skills a charakter learned. This give a muche higher degree in developing character story and background descriptions.
If you like to try it by yourself, there is a free aviable GURPS-light of the 4th Edition as PDF.
Or much better just order the "Gurps Basic Set: Characters" and "Gurps Basic Set: Campaigns" Basic Rulebooks at Amazon.com or Amazon.de

Books from Robert M. Pirsig and his Metaphysic

After parsing the website of FreeMind I was surprised to read there about Robert Pirsig. Especial about the recommendation on a book called Lila I never heard about that book before but seems it was published some years more early and now get sold out. Look like it has an interesting insight on some metaphysic.
The interesting there is the way of thinking and constructing personal metaphysics. It is, in his idea, kind like people who use the FreeMind-Software love to note down her work and ideas.
It seems that outside more books and people with great philosophical ideas exist as we can get before our eyes. There is realy the need to collect and group all of that existing philosophical seeds of meta-universes to give people a more easy overview and guideline. People need to have seeds from many different directions and kinds of metaphysics to develop there personal thoughts that will bring humanity to higher level of illumination.


Late night posting VS. Cascading Styles

Actually I wanted post a few more interesting things in this blog. But as time go sometimes strange ways. It is now a bit late and I get tired, so it seem that i need to post it tomorrow. Insted of finish the writeing of some new blog-texts I got creazy with the stylesheet for this blog and an error that messed up all the content in the Blog apeared . I realy wonder if someone before had that problem that the engine at blogger.com can't finish the republishing for hours and retry again, and again, again, again...

...and be sure, tomorrow I forget all that things I like writing about today!


Waiting for X-Mas day after the big deep freeze

The Deep Freeze comes...

Just a few day before i found out that a new version of the generic universal messanger Trillian is on the way. It is very long since I checked there webpage about news. So I was well enjoyed to see that a new 3.0 Version is in the work. Possible we are lucky and it will released as a x-mas gift for all of us Trillian users


Adjustment of CSS Template for the Black-Tower-of-Time News Blog

Also now a new style of the Blog is up. We get it after some little errors to adjust the styles in the way we like to see the Blogs look matching some things on the Black-Tower-Of-Time Website. Today we realy not have much news.


Blogger: Create your Blog Now -- FREE

Blogger: Create your Blog Now -- for FREE

Yes that happen now. Also we now use a Blog for your information and fun. It is one of the tools that gave us a quick posibility to note down informations and news related to our and your personal interests.
The good thing is you not need to host any script or program to use it. Go to Blogger.com to edit or create new postings on your own Blog. On your webpage just link to the URL of your personal Blog and anyone can read it. Also people can give comentaries, if you like.

So i hope we will some more often now tell you some things....
