
Some other things I discoverd

So we have here some other writings that are in relation with things I am interested and writing in here.
Scott Berkun:

There are some interesting thoughts thse people got, maybe you should take a look.

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My baby and 9 Million Seconds

Its again a long time since the last night I got to write in here. Our baby was now born around 3 Month ago and I didn't got it to write about it here. It is realy very nice thing to have a baby eaven sometimes you dont get enough sleep. On the other side I still can't sleep eaven my baby sleep very well.

Our son makes it now very well. He speak now very often baby-babel and also try to form a word. Mostly the words are more exident as concusion use of the word. Beside this he just clearly use "ma-ma" if he feel uncomfortable and begin cry. I think it is still a bit to early to say he speak.

As you read this you will wonder what that with the 9 million seconds I write in the title. It is an easy solution, then if you look at the date and time this text got published just substract 9 million seconds and you will get the birthday of our son. As you can see on the foto he is also very happy.

I often think now about his future and what would be good for him. Educating and train him things he could need or will be usefull for his live. He looks to be very smart and this he should not lose because of a not suitabel or bad education. It is a walk on the blade of a knife. You need to find out the third way, the hidden one in the middle without fall in the deep of chaos and order.

For this time my brain running out of thoughts I could write down. It is not the Liquidum Aureale I talked about before it is more a kind of forgetting the thoughts and the detail you get in your mind befor you began write them down and later, after writing a bit you lose more and more of the detail and ideas. So I hope I will recover a few of them again and get at that time befor my computer with the mood of writing.



A night in Liquidum Aureale

It is a long time since I get it to post in here some things. In the mean time our Baby was born and held us busy. You my ask waht this title have to do with all that. It is simple it represent a kind of mood and feeling i have at the moment.
Do you know this kind of state in your head and of your body if all feel like you be surrounded of a kind of substance not similar with the air you feel normaly. It feels a bit like you are weightless in water but on the other hand it feels like you move throu a kind of oil or gel. And thats not all also your thoughts get stiff like that too. How this come and how to life inside that thing?

That's a good question. It is not to much problematic but it is a bit uncomfortable sometimes. Stay tuned and see how this will be next time.



The next generation of humans is in creation

We get a baby!
We are so happy that we get it and so I desiceded to let the folkes outside in the net know about. Now you also can have a sneak on this rising new generation of humanity. On the right side you can see the first ultrasonic image of our baby. At the time the picture is taken, the baby has grow about three to four month long. This picture was taken by an older ultrasonic scanner with a lower detail. Now we got also a few more pictures. You can see them on the lower part of this posting.
The Baby is now in the ninth month of growing so we expect that is will be born around two weeks from now on. The precalculation of the day is for the 16th February.

Here we have also a view more pictures, as you can see on the left side. This pictures are taken with a newer ultrasonic scanner that support a 3D rendering of the image.

This part here should only be seen on a detail page...


Some needs for reorganizing

As I run different kinds of blogs for different reasons. Now some of the postings got a different kind of view, so some posts should be moved to another blog. Especialy this blog get to change the name to the other blog I liked to use for a kind of postings that come now regulary to this one here.

And postings related to the "Black Tower of Time - News" will be now on the other blog while this one will change the name to "_RosE_'s Metaphysical Myhttalk Ideas for an Open Mind !!!".
This will incooperate with the changes in the postings I done before to both of these blogs. So things related of my mynd and ideas i will post here and the other side will be the posts of the news related to changes on the Black-Tower-of-Time website.

Some other thing is that i like to use a better software or interface to present my bloggings. At the moment I take a look at some different kind of programs. The most liked I know at the moment is b2evolution. It seem this one has most of the abilities I expect from a kind of software for posting ideas and writing news. But, in realy it miss a kind of wiki like features that i find usefull too.

I also could move the blogs I run onto my own webspace insted of hosting them at blogspot directly. But that would make some things more difficult with the access URLs. This is also one of the things that makes it difficult to use another software.

I think this will not be the last change my blog will run in. So it is a high possibility that some more changes like this will happen in the future.

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What is your Alignment? A part of my ethic directions...

I dont make a kind of that quiz not very often. But this time I made this one and decide that it could be also interesting for my readers to know a little bit about my ethics. The test is as follows...

You scored as True Neutral. A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.

What is your Alignment?
created with QuizFarm.com



A Universal Rolplaying Game that's not GURPS: RandomAnime

"RandomAnime by Infernal Funhouse Games":

RandomAnime is a new roleplaying game (RPG) published by Infernal Fanhouse publishing. It seems this is the most useful game for every anime fan.
The character Creation system is point based, use Basic attributes and skills, so it allow a more easy conversation between other game systems. The number of points depends on the power level of the game, determined by the game-master and storyteller who running the game. You can order it here: Random Anime (The Definitive Anime Role-Playing Game)
In addition some useful supplements will be aviable in the next time. There is Project GR (GR for Gigant Robots?) for a more detailed creation and playing rules for Mecha and other gigant vehicles. Of course the RandomeAnime Basic book still have rules for this too, just not as detailed as in the expansion!
You ever liked these small hairy monster pets some anime characters always carry around? Than this will be the expansion book for you, the collection expansion rules.
And sure we need those alien minions that make the live of a anime character hard but funny every day in his live. Be evil be bad get the Minionomicon expansion.

At the moment I can't give a much more detailed look into the game. First I need to got a copy from it and its supplements in my local gaming store. So wish me luck they can order it and that I will have enough money to buy it.

It seems RandomeAnime isn't GURPS but gurpsish enough to have lots of fun. Or, function as a GURPS supplement with little changes.

