
My baby and 9 Million Seconds

Its again a long time since the last night I got to write in here. Our baby was now born around 3 Month ago and I didn't got it to write about it here. It is realy very nice thing to have a baby eaven sometimes you dont get enough sleep. On the other side I still can't sleep eaven my baby sleep very well.

Our son makes it now very well. He speak now very often baby-babel and also try to form a word. Mostly the words are more exident as concusion use of the word. Beside this he just clearly use "ma-ma" if he feel uncomfortable and begin cry. I think it is still a bit to early to say he speak.

As you read this you will wonder what that with the 9 million seconds I write in the title. It is an easy solution, then if you look at the date and time this text got published just substract 9 million seconds and you will get the birthday of our son. As you can see on the foto he is also very happy.

I often think now about his future and what would be good for him. Educating and train him things he could need or will be usefull for his live. He looks to be very smart and this he should not lose because of a not suitabel or bad education. It is a walk on the blade of a knife. You need to find out the third way, the hidden one in the middle without fall in the deep of chaos and order.

For this time my brain running out of thoughts I could write down. It is not the Liquidum Aureale I talked about before it is more a kind of forgetting the thoughts and the detail you get in your mind befor you began write them down and later, after writing a bit you lose more and more of the detail and ideas. So I hope I will recover a few of them again and get at that time befor my computer with the mood of writing.

